Konya Commodity Exchange
Phone : 0 332 342 14 44 E-mail: bilgi@ktb.org.tr
![Konya Commodity Exchange](img/borsabinasi2011.jpg)
Konya Commodity Exchange is one of the oldest Commodity Exchange. Firstly having established in 1907, but its activity stopped due to the first world war, Konya Commodity Exchange was re-opened by a decree which was signed by the great leader of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 24.10.1924 with the decree of 1041.
Konya Commodity Exchange a public legal entity for engaging in purchase and sale of goods that fall under a commodity exchange and as well as determination, registration and announcement of the prices of such goods formed in the commodity exchange in accordance with the principles stated in No. 5174 Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Law.
Being the first exchange of Anatolia and pioneering to the establishment of other exchanges, Konya Commodity Exchange is spreading its service network consisting of one headquarter and 7 registration offices day by day. Having an important place in the region’s economy today, became Turkey’s largest grain exchange as Konya is the granary of our country. Our exchange continues to give service to its members and our producers with its advanced infrastructure and specialized personnel. Being among the exchanges with the largest trading volumes with TL 15 Billion average annual transaction volume and located in the top three among 113 commodity exchanges in Turkey.
Having a council consisting of 29 persons and a 7-person board of directors. Konya Commodity Exchange have more than 1400 active members. At Konya Commodity Exchange, there are 10 profession groups that buying and selling grains, legumes, feeds, livestocks, meats, leathers, wools, oily seeds, flours, milks, eggs, fruits, vegetables etc.
By making Turkey's first Electronic Sales Hall investment, it integrated traditional trade with modern commercial understanding. The sales transaction (hand-held samples and shouting buy-sell transaction), which is performed by the conventional method, has been made available in the electronic sales hall. 142 members are simultaneously make transaction with the auction under competitive conditions.
KCE continues to support its main activities with its 3 subsidies, all of whose capital belong to them.
Konya Laboratory and Warehousing Agriculture Food Energy Inc. (KLD) has been authorized by Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for import, export and other official analysis services approved on 08.03.2005. At the same time, our Laboratory is a member of TURKLAB, the Turkish Laboratories Association, operating in Turkey under EUROLAB
In 2007 a total of twenty-five pieces of physical, chemical and microbiological analysis are accredited by the Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK) and continue to be an internationally recognized laboratory of quality. In our laboratory, internationally validated ISO, BAM, AOAC, AACC and ICC methods and TS analysis methods are applied. Our Agricultural Analysis Laboratory, soil, irrigation water, fertilizer and seed certification analyzes are carried out. In addition, Konya Laboratuvar ve Warehousing Inc. has Authorized Classifier License approved by Ministry of Customs and Commerce and provides authorized classifier service in 90 branches.
Anadolu Selçuklu Licensed Warehousing Inc. (ASLİDAŞ) has the one of the largest licensed warehouse company with capacity of 306.600 tons in 5 different facilities in the developing licensed warehousing system in our country.
Borsa Konya Brokerage Services Inc. was a brokerage service with 22000 members from 45 different cities until Turkish Mercantile Exchange (TÜRİB) established in July 2019 for making transaction on a web-based and membership-based digital platform that brings buyers and sellers together in the Electronic Warehouse Receipts created in the Licensed Warehouses.
Now it continues to work towards becoming an intermediary within the TÜRİB system.