Konya Commodity Exchange
Phone : 0 332 342 14 44 E-mail: bilgi@ktb.org.tr
Konya Commodity Exchange established in 1912 and it is one of the biggest Exchange around Turkey, Konya Commodity Exchange has eight branch office and one center in Konya.
Konya Commodity Exchange maintain different committees that are specialized on specific products and issues. The commitee members are big traders or producers of the mentioned goods whom are selected. Special Commitees are Cereal, Pulse, Feeders , Live Stocks Traders , Butchers, Leather, Wheat Flour, Dairy Products, Vegetable Oil, Fleece producers and traders Committes.
Konya Commodity Exchange is one of the most valuable exchange of Turkey. All mentioned goods are processing but KEC specialized especially on Cereals. Because Konya has the biggest plantation for cereals and Pulse. In Konya 10 % of Wheat production and 14 % of Barley production held.
Daily Prices are determined according to the transactions on Our Exhange Hall. Goods bring into Exchange and sold by auction. On the Crop season nearly 4000-5000 MT of Goods to be sold.
Exchange can determine prices of 130 different product per hour.
In our Board those goods are effected transaction.
Cereals ( Wheat,Barley,Oat, Rye, Maize )
Pulse ( Pea, Lentil, Bean, Soybean, Broad Bean )
Spices ( cumin etc. )
Cereal Products ( Wheat Flour , Pounded Wheat..etc )
Textile raw materials ( mohair, wool,…etc )
Live Stocks ( catle’, sheep’)
Raw Leather ( animal leathers)
Oil Seeds ( sunflower, flax, hemp )
Vegetable Oil ( vegetable butter )
Pyrene ( Apricot, almond pyrene etc )
To arrange and register the trade of commidities and to establish and announce daily prices,
To create general rules and decisions, with the acceptance of TOBB, about obligation of delivery, taking delivery and payment, arbitration procedures in conflicts.
To follow and communicate with domestic and foreign exchange s and markets.
To construct laboratory and technical offices to establish types and qualities of materials that are traded in the exchange,
To arrange and announce the custom and practices of exchange and make duties given by other regulations and ministry of industry and trade.